Primary 500 words - Aaliyah

One day there were three sisters, their names were Twilight, Rosie and Lily. On a horrible and cloudy Sunday morning they were enjoying making loombands at home. Twilight thought of an idea, she wanted to go camping. They packed everything they needed into the car and got ready. They were excited for the trip. When they go to the caravan park mum and dad said they could go and explore before dinner. “Be careful” said Mum and Dad.


As they were walking in the woods Twilight decided to wander off. Rosie and Lily couldn’t see Twilight anywhere and they got very worried. Suddenly they hear a loud rumbling and the ground began to shake, it was the beginning of an earthquake! It was slow and gentle to begin with. Then it got very powerful and was throwing the girls around. The trees around them were falling and crashing, around them and then towards them. They know they have to get to a safe place, they looked for a clear area with no trees.


Meanwhile Twilight is still in the woods as she is looking for a safe place. She sees a cave, so she went in the cave to be safe. Just after she entered, there was a loud bang! A tree had fallen and blocked the entrance to the cave. She was frightened, scared and trapped! She began to scream…


In the distance Lily and Rosie could hear Twilight screaming but they didn’t know here the screaming was coming from. Rosie remembered that they both had special powers. They were magical and could use magic to solve problems. So they used their powers to find Twilight, when they found her they saw that she was trapped in the cave by a massive Oak tree. Lily and Rosie tried to sue their powers to move the massive tree, it was very tricky and they did not know if they would manage. They had to work together and very slowly the big Oak tree began to move. One hour later they had moved the tree enough for Twilight to squeeze out! They gave Twilight a gigantic hug and squeezed her tightly.


Now the girls were back together they thought about their parents and felt worried and scared, they wondered whether they were alive and safe. Their Mummy and Daddy were alive but they were injured from the earthquake. Lily, Rosie and Twilight used their magical powers to fly like fairies and collect their things, before their parents worried even more. The girls flew home safely. They saw that Mum and Dad had big cuts on their sides and dad even had one on his head. Twilight was distressed, she knew what she had to do. She had to use her powers, but her Mum didn’t know that the girls were magical.


They cast a spell to make them better and to return the world back to how it was before their adventure.

The End.

Wendy Gosling